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How to Choose a Powerful Domain Name

Updated: Feb 8, 2022

A domain name is what your visitors will put in the web browser's address bar... but it has so much more to offer to the success of your website.

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Man struggling to choose a domain name

What is a Domain Name?

A domain name, also known as a URL, is the internet address of your website. It's unique so, much like your home address, there is only one address of that name and extension. While a logo is the strongest visual representation of your brand and reputation, your domain name is arguably the second strongest representation of your brand as it pertains to your online presence. It is important to be very mindful when choosing a domain name.

How To's of Choosing a Good Domain Name

1) Choose a unique and relevant domain name for your address

You should choose a name that is unique and catchy and is relevant to your brand. Also, don't be afraid to use your name as the domain name if appropriate. The most important takeaway here is that the domain name should speak for itself.


'' is a website about a sneaker collector or focuses on content about sneakers. *Good*

'' is a website about luxury car engine repair. *Bad*

2) Be mindful of what extension you choose to use

There are a large number of extensions you can use but statistically, '.com' extensions perform the best. It's the most well-known and easiest to remember. I know many of you are thinking of using something different to stand out, but we don't suggest it. The analytics speak for themselves.

3)Keep it simple

Your domain name should be short and devoid of any dashes. Acronyms are generally frowned upon unless it spells out something easy to remember. A long domain name encourages spelling mistakes and can be difficult to remember. For example, which one do you think is easier to remember and spelled correctly:

or ?

4) Check for copyright/trademark issues

Visit to check for a trademark before buying the domain name. Not doing this could trigger trademark issues and result in cease and desist orders and potential lawsuits. Getting a successful business going then having to rebrand is never a good thing.


  • Your domain name is important and it should be short, descriptive, and to the point of what your brand or website is about.

  • '.com' extension is your best bet. If your website name is taken, you're better off adding something to the name and getting the .com extension then switching the extension to keep the name.

  • Check the name for trademark issues before buying the chosen domain name to prevent legal issues and having to rebrand later


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